chiropractic services  Pawling, NY
If you are experiencing pain, we want to help! We are dedicated to helping patients regain pain-free lives. Oftentimes, people do not seek help for pain until it worsens. We want to help at the onset of symptoms, so they do not progress.

chiropractic services  Pawling, NY

Chiropractic Care

We specialize in correcting your body’s misalignments. Our goal is to ensure that your spine and the rest of your body are working harmoniously. To do so, we will help you develop a plan that will require light stretching, some exercise, chiropractic care, and a healthy diet.

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Chiropractic Adjustments  Pawling, NY

Chiropractic Adjustments

One of the most frequently asked questions in a chiropractor’s office is about the benefits of chiropractic care. There are, in fact, many benefits to chiropractic care, so let’s look at some of them here.

Decreasing Pain

One of the most common benefits chiropractic patients experience is the decrease or elimination of pain. Chiropractors are trained in biomechanics and anatomy with an emphasis on the spine and the interaction of the body’s skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. Since irritation of the nerves is often the cause of pain, many chiropractic treatments and techniques focus on removing roadblocks to a healthy and well-functioning nervous system. As a result of treatment, you can expect improved joint motion and decreasing muscle spasms and tension.

Increasing and Maintaining Mobility

Many patients seek chiropractic care because they feel “stiff.” Often, that stiffness is caused by joints not moving the way they are supposed to and muscles being pulled or tightened in the wrong direction. Lack of movement can not only cause pain, but it can also contribute to arthritis or degeneration of the spine. By moving the joints and loosening tight muscles, chiropractic care can help reduce stiffness as well as retrain joints and muscles to hold and work together correctly.

Decreasing Use of Certain Over-the-Counter and Prescription Medications

As we discussed earlier, elimination or reduction of pain is commonly experienced after seeing a chiropractor. Over-the-counter pain relievers are easy to grab, but they don’t always take care of the problem for good. They only mask the symptom of pain—or “take the edge off”—and do not address the true cause of pain. In addition, they can have unwanted side effects like digestive or other internal organ distress. For example, gastrointestinal bleeding, which can be very dangerous, has been attributed to the overuse of common pain relief medications known as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

With the current opioid epidemic in the United States, there has been a lot of discussion about how to treat pain without prescription opioids. In early 2019, research was presented at a conference for the American Academy of Pain Management showing that patients who visited a chiropractor for pain were about half as likely (49%) to end up with a prescription for an opioid pain medication as patients who visited other healthcare providers for their pain.

Encouraging the Body’s “Built-in” Healing Ability

We often hear stories from patients about having fewer, less severe colds and flus when they receive chiropractic care. Evidence suggests that a spinal adjustment actually does have an impact on the immune system. Basically, this research tells us that a spinal adjustment increases immunoglobulins (which help fight infection) in the bloodstream, for at least two hours after the adjustment. Those immunoglobulins fight off harmful bacteria and viruses that cause colds, flu and other sicknesses, so it is likely that receiving a chiropractic adjustment will boost the immune system.

Reducing Inflammation

Research has linked chiropractic adjustments with the reduction of numerous inflammatory substances in the blood—some of which over time play a role in plaque formation and cardiovascular disease. This has major implications in the potential of chiropractic care to combat chronic diseases.

Providing a Different Perspective on Health

Chiropractors are focused on overall wellness, not just the absence of disease. Chiropractic care is unique because it can help decrease symptoms and improve function when there is a problem within the body, and it can also help prevent many of these problems from occurring in the future. There is already a body of research that supports the preventive nature of chiropractic care. Once you are feeling well, we want to keep it that way! After all, as Benjamin Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

As chiropractors, we believe our job is to correct neurologic and musculoskeletal malfunction, to reduce and eliminate pain, and to promote wellness for all of our patients. When we are able to do these things, the body can function well and do what it was designed to do, naturally. If you think chiropractic care might be the right fit for you or if you have questions about chiropractic care, don’t hesitate to ask.

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chiropractic services  Pawling, NY

Corrective Exercises

Exercise and stretching daily can help your mind and body stay healthy. With so many different choices for exercise, which ones are right for you? If you need help deciding, we can discuss the options that would be most beneficial for you.

Aerobic Exercise (Cardio)

Aerobic exercise has a great impact on physical health, a huge part of wellness. It gets your heart pumping and your lungs working vigorously. “Aerobic” means your body needs oxygen to produce the energy needed for performing these types of cardiovascular exercises (also the reason some people refer to aerobic exercise as “cardio”). Aerobic exercise doesn’t have to be high impact—swimming, walking and riding a bicycle can all be aerobic activities.

The goal for aerobic exercise is to work hard enough to reach your target heart rate in order to improve heart and lung function as well as circulation and, for many, to maintain a healthy weight. Your target heart rate depends upon your goals for aerobic exercise. For example, if you are looking to shed a few pounds, you should aim for a heart rate that is about 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate. Maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting your age from 220. So, let’s say you are 30 years old and looking to lose some weight. For you, the heart rate you’re trying to achieve while exercising is 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate (220 – 30 = 190), so between 114 and 133 heartbeats per minute would be your goal.

There are lots of fancy apps, watches, trackers and counters that can monitor your heart rate, but taking your pulse by feeling it at your neck or on your wrist will do the trick, too!

Strength Training

Besides improving muscle strength and body mass, strength training—which includes lifting weights and other forms of resistance training—helps to build bone and burn calories. Adding resistance (load) to the bones triggers bone-building. For your body to build bone, though, you have to add more resistance than you’d get doing everyday activities. Building muscle also means you’ll be burning more calories throughout the day since muscles burn calories even at rest.


Stretching exercises have enormous benefits when it comes to wellness. First, adding stretching exercises to your everyday routine will help improve and maintain flexibility. More flexibility means less strain and pressure on muscles and joints and may ultimately keep you from becoming injured during other exercise or activities. Balance and coordination may also be improved by incorporating stretching into your daily exercise. Stretching has also been shown to improve circulation, muscle strength and mood, and all of these benefits promote wellness.

How Much Exercise Do You Need?

The amount of exercise you need depends on the type of exercise you are doing. Aerobic exercises/cardio should be done for 30 minutes daily for at least five days each week. The 30 minutes can be broken up into segments of exercise if that is easier for you. If you are strength training, you should add at least two training sessions per week.

If you are unsure about which exercises or stretches may be good for you, or if you have questions about exercise in general, we are happy to answer your questions.

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Cryotherapy  Pawling, NY


Cryotherapy is a pain treatment that uses the method of localized freezing temperatures to kill irritated nerves. Cryotherapy is used to also treat some cancer areas as well as abnormal skin cells by dermatologists. Cryotherapy works by climbing into a specialized chamber that harnesses the power of liquid nitrogen and refrigerated cold air. It will rapidly cool off your entire body and will stimulate your sympathetic nervous system through your skin’s cold receptors.

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Custom Orthotics  Pawling, NY

Custom Orthotics

Custom foot orthotics are designed to align the foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient position. They look similar to insoles, but are biomedical appliances that are custom made to correct your specific foot imbalance. The plastic body of the custom orthotic helps to re-align the foot while you walk. We understand that everyone is different, which is why custom foot orthotics are made just for you.

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Diversified Technique  Pawling, NY

Diversified Technique

The goal of the Diversified Technique is to reduce nerve interference. There are no special or unique procedures needed. Patients are assessed using these various mechanisms: history and basic examination (orthopedic and neurologic), palpation, x-ray, leg checks and reflex procedures as well as others.

The procedure involves analyzing the full spine and extremities. The majority of adjustments used in Diversified are manual adjustments, HVLA (high velocity, low amplitude), or long lever manipulations aimed at cavitating the joint and creating an audible release. This sound is known by patients as the “popping” or “cracking” sound associated with adjustments. Some chiropractors utilize specialized equipment such as drop tables or pelvic blocks.

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Electrical Stimulation  Pawling, NY

Electrical Stimulation

Electrotherapy is an alternative pain management treatment option that involves the use of mild electromagnetic pulses to provide relief for the patient. This treatment option can dull pain, repair tissue, strengthen muscles, and even improve your blood circulation.

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Functional Medicine  Pawling, NY

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is a personalized and integrative approach to healthcare which involves understanding the prevention, management, and root causes of complex chronic disease. It has evolved integrative, holistic, conventional and naturopathic models to offer the most comprehensive and effective approach to healthcare in the 21st century.

Functional medicine focuses on the most current scientific research regarding how your genetics, environment and lifestyle interact in order to diagnose and treat conditions.The goal is to shift from treating the disease (disease-centered) to treating the person who has the disease (patient-centered). Functional medicine addresses the whole person and not just an isolated list of symptoms. Symptom suppression is only used as a temporary fix while seeking the root cause of the symptoms ensures optimal health for the patient. Here at Bennett Chiropractic and Wellness, we spend time with our patients, listen to their health history, and examine the interactions between genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. These factors contribute to long term health issues and complex, chronic diseases. In this way, functional medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual.
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Graston Technique  Pawling, NY

Graston Technique

The Graston Technique® (GT) is an innovative, evidence-based form of therapy that utilizes an instrument to assist in soft tissue mobilization. This enables clinicians to effectively and efficiently break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. GT utilizes specially designed stainless steel instruments to detect and effectively treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. The use of GT instruments along with therapeutic exercises helps restore pain-free movement and function. The Graston Technique® was originally developed by athletes to treat soft tissue injuries. It has grown in popularity as an alternative approach in treating acute and chronic soft tissue injuries.

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Kinesio Taping  Pawling, NY

Kinesio Taping

Kinesiology Taping is a precise rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints. This technique allows the body’s normal range of motion as well as providing extending soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered within the clinical setting. Kinesio tape is latex-free and hypoallergenic which makes it “skin friendly” for patients with sensitive or fragile skin; such as, patients with diabetes, fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis.

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Lifestyle Advice  Pawling, NY

Lifestyle Advice

Our team here at Bennett Chiropractic and Wellness is dedicated to helping you achieve your long-term health and wellness goals by offering you reliable lifestyle advice. If you are not sure if the lifestyle choices you are making are worsening or improving your condition, we are here to help. We address the typical chiropractic issues as well as coach our patients to live a healthier life by looking at the individual as a whole mentally, physically and emotionally.

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Massage Therapy  Pawling, NY

Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage, also referred to as medical massage, can be a great addition to chiropractic care. It is common for these therapies to go hand in hand because they are complementary to each other.

here Are Different Types of Therapeutic Massage

Depending on your condition, your sensitivity to touch, and your comfort for lying down or sitting, your chiropractor and massage therapist will determine which type of therapeutic massage is most appropriate for you. There are multiple therapeutic massage techniques, and no single technique fits every body—and massage therapists often have their own specialties when it comes to the techniques they practice. Here are a few of the most common techniques, some of which you may be familiar with:

Swedish Massage
Swedish Massage begins with smooth, gliding light pressure massage strokes, called effleurage, to warm up the tissue. After the tissue is warmed, the therapist applies heavier pressure to the muscles. This is called petrissage. Swedish massage is great for relaxation, but it also improves circulation and flexibility. There is also some evidence that Swedish massage can lower the stress hormone cortisol and boost the immune system.

Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic Drainage techniques are great for swelling (edema). This technique uses gentle but firm pressure with movement toward the heart, to manually encourage lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic drainage is also used when there is swelling due to lymph node damage or removal.

Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger points, also known as muscle “knots,” are sensitive areas of bunched up muscle fibers and one of the most common muscle-related complaints. During a trigger point therapy session, the therapist will first identify the problem area(s), and then will apply firm pressure over the points to loosen and disperse the trigger point. You may notice tenderness during a trigger point therapy session.

Chair Massage
Many therapeutic massage techniques can be done in either a lying down or seated position. Chair massage allows for you to be seated during the entire massage in a specially designed therapeutic massage chair. Generally, during a chair massage the therapist will not use any creams or oils, and the patient is often fully clothed.

What to Expect During a Therapeutic Massage Session

A therapeutic massage session in your chiropractor’s office may be different from a massage in a spa or therapeutic massage center. Therapeutic massage in the office has a very specific structural and functional purpose, and is focused on specific areas of the body. Your chiropractor and massage therapist will work together, with you, to determine which type(s) of therapeutic massage will benefit you the most and the length of each massage session. Before your first session, your therapist may give you paperwork to get more detailed information about your areas of tension as well as other basic health information. The massage therapist will also ask you about your preferred pressure when massaging you (light, medium, hard). During the massage, it is always suggested to let your therapist know if they can go harder, or if they need to go lighter during your time with them.

A research study from the University of Miami found that children suffering from asthma received considerable benefits from a session of massage as measured by lung function tests and anxiety scores—and many patients benefit from including therapeutic massage in their treatment plans alongside chiropractic care. Because there are a variety of therapeutic massage techniques available, it is important to have your chiropractor and therapist thoroughly assess your areas of concern and determine which types of therapy will improve the physical structure and function of those areas. Please let us know if you would like to learn more about how therapeutic massage may benefit you.

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Myofascial Release  Pawling, NY

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is an intervention administered to various patients to alleviate pain or restrictive tissue problems. The release treatment usually involves the application of gentle or moderate pressure on the connective tissues and leads to relaxation and eventual elongation of the fascia therein. These restrictions are often caused by traumatic accidents or inflammations of the soft tissue. Some patients get them as an after-effect of surgery. They always result in muscular tension and spasm of sharp pain. They cannot be detected through standard diagnosis tests like the x-ray scan. It is essential for a patient to visit a doctor or physiotherapy expert once they notice restriction of movement in the hip area or shoulder. Painful backs can also be a sign of the restriction and can only be treated through the Myofascial Release procedures.

What to expect during therapy
If you have never undergone a Myofascial Release procedure before, you might wonder what will be done. There is no need to panic any way, since it is a minor therapy intervention meant to alleviate any pain that could be as a result of fascia muscle pain and restriction. Here is what you can expect if you visit a standard therapist for your myofascial pain treatment.

  • The therapist might have to interview you about what you think the cause of the pain could be. They may also palpitate the affected area to identify the particular fascia that needs to be massaged and given due attention during the procedure.
  • A standard treatment should last anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour, but should not last longer than that as that may lead to soreness and fatigue.
  • You may experience considerable relief, but if the case is severe, you may need to go for another session or two in the subsequent days.
  • The treatment does not require the use of any equipment and creams or gels. The therapist will only need their hands to manipulate and apply slight pressure to the trigger points and affected muscles.
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Nutritional Consultations  Pawling, NY

Nutritional Consultations

Routine visits with a chiropractor help support an overall healthy lifestyle. Research shows that spinal adjustments aid us in maintaining a healthy spine, reducing the stress hormone cortisol in our bodies, and boosting our infection-fighting antibody levels. While routine visits to a chiropractor have numerous health benefits, this is only one component of the lifestyle habits a chiropractor will recommend as an integrative approach for overall health and well-being.

Exercise Daily

Exercise is one of the best things we can do each day to help our bodies live longer and become healthier and stronger in the process. Twenty to thirty minutes of exercise at least five times per week is a great goal to start with. The exercise doesn’t have to be exhausting; rather, it should be moderate and tied to an activity that you enjoy, such as taking a brisk walk, riding a bike, gardening, playing a sport you enjoy or swimming. This will help you to maintain a healthy exercise habit and have an overall more enjoyable life.

Those who have a condition that is being managed by a chiropractor will likely be given some specific exercises designed to help improve their condition. It’s important to stay consistent in doing these exercises. Also, make sure you are using proper form when working out or lifting heavy objects in an effort to avoid excess stressors on the spine and muscles. Your chiropractor may also recommend taking a break from rigorous exercise or from a certain exercise that may be contributing to your pain.

Follow a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is an essential element in maintaining an ideal body weight as well as overall health. When determining whether or not your diet is healthy, it can help to start a food journal or simply write down the types of foods you tend to purchase from the store or order at restaurants along with how often you eat these foods and the typical portion size. Once you have this laid out in front of you, it will be easier to determine where you can start making healthy adjustments. The goal is to adopt a lifestyle change that stays with you over the years rather than going on a crash diet in order to lose weight fast.

While trying to establish a healthy lifestyle change, it is usually counterproductive to suddenly cut certain foods out of our diet that we are used to eating. When we eliminate these foods from our diets completely, we’re more likely to overindulge in them later on. Rather than doing away with indulgent foods altogether, it helps to simply limit how often they are consumed, as well as the size of the serving. A good rule of thumb is the 80/20 rule of consuming at least 80% of our calories from healthy foods, and no more than 20% from indulgent foods. It also helps to eat only until we are 80% full, and to focus more on putting good, healthy foods into our bodies than on counting calories each day. Research has shown that eating more slowly is associated with feelings of fullness; this supports the logic of stopping our eating before feeling completely full and allowing our hunger sensations to catch up.

Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is an important component in maintaining overall health. Drinking plenty of water helps our bodies to remove waste through urination, bowel movements and perspiration. It also helps us to keep our body temperature normal, it lubricates and cushions our joints, and it protects the sensitive tissues in our body. Typically, 20% of our daily fluids come from the foods that we eat, while the other 80% must come from fluids that we drink. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recommends that men drink 3.7 liters of water per day and that women drink 2.7 liters. Factors that increase our need for water each day include perspiration from heat, humidity or exercise, vomiting, diarrhea, pregnancy and breast-feeding.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is an important factor in maintaining good health. But according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three adults isn’t getting enough sleep each night. Sleep deprivation can have numerous adverse effects on both our physical and mental well-being. It is also the leading cause of work-related accidents. Most adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep each night, depending on age. This sleep should be uninterrupted and accompanied by a supportive mattress and pillow to keep the spine in a proper position.

If you would like to start making lifestyle adjustments to help increase your quality of life and extend it, visit a chiropractor to discuss your options. Upon your visit, you will be examined, and your medical history and lifestyle habits will be discussed. Your chiropractor will then recommend any tests to determine any physical conditions that need attention and will recommend healthy lifestyle changes and exercises to best support your unique needs.

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Pediatric Chiropractic  Pawling, NY

Pediatric Chiropractic

Chiropractic care is not just for adults. In fact, more and more parents are seeing the many benefits of their children seeing a chiropractor every single day. Some of the benefits are improved sleep, improved behavior and attitude, and improved immune system function. Children encounter many physical stresses in their life that you may not realize. These stresses can cause your child’s spine to have issues in growth and development.

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Physiotherapy  Pawling, NY


It is important to understand that often times where the pain presents is not the area that needs to be treated. The pain may be due to that area compensating and being over-worked from another area not pulling its weight. Our rehabilitation program includes strength, flexibility and agility training as well as training focused on coordination of body parts and motion to prepare the individual to return to full participation.

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Pre/Postnatal Chiropractic  Pawling, NY

Pre/Postnatal Chiropractic

Pregnancy can be a beautiful experience. Unfortunately, half of the more than 6 million women who are pregnant in the U.S. each year experience back pain during their pregnancy, and three-quarters have it with labor.

Over 75% of women who seek chiropractic care during their pregnancy report that it helps reduce the back, leg, joint and pelvic aches and pains that pregnancy can bring. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of experiencing back pain while in labor, as those who have back pain during their pregnancy are three times more likely to have it during labor as well. The good news is that chiropractic treatment can not only help alleviate back pain, but it can also help with a variety of discomforts and complications that occur during pregnancy.

Causes of Physical Pain During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women experience lower back pain due to the ways the body shifts and changes to prepare for the growing fetus and its delivery. The uterus expands during the second trimester and the pelvis begins to shift. The ligaments in the pelvis also soften to prepare for delivery as the body releases the hormone relaxin. This hormone softens all of the ligaments in the body during pregnancy, so other areas of the body can be affected by a lack of stability as well.

In addition, the curve in the lower back increases due to the expansion of the belly. This can cause women to tilt backward, putting more pressure on their back as they try to balance out the weight that’s been added to their front midsection. This awkward posture can place a great deal of abnormal pressure on the low back, resulting in back and/or hip pain. Neck and upper back pain are common as well, as the muscles struggle to balance not only the extra weight of growing breasts but also the weight shifts produced by the altered back curvatures.

During pregnancy, many women experience sciatica—pain that can run from the buttock all the way down the leg. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. It starts in the lower back and supplies sensory information as well as motor control to the back of the thigh, the lower part of the leg and sole of the foot. Changes during pregnancy can place direct and indirect pressure on the sciatic nerve: directly due to nerve compression of the low back, and indirectly from a tightening or spasming of the piriformis muscle in the buttocks, which can also constrict the sciatic nerve.

Why Seek Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?

The changes in the body during pregnancy contribute to pain in the spine and joints. Studies show that chiropractic care is a safe and effective method to help alleviate pain during pregnancy. Spinal adjustments and other chiropractic techniques help pave the way for an easier birth for both the mother and baby.

All chiropractors are trained to treat pregnant women. Chiropractors typically use a method called the Webster technique, which focuses on achieving optimal pelvic balance and alignment. Having a misaligned pelvis during pregnancy can cause a reduction in the amount of space available for the growing fetus and can make it more difficult for the baby to get into a good position for delivery. This increases the chances for needing cesarean surgery, as the baby can get into a breech position (with the bottom coming out first) or a position with the head located at the back of the pelvis. In addition to promoting a natural birth, chiropractic care can also help reduce the amount of time spent in labor.

Keeping the spine in proper alignment during pregnancy helps reduce pain and gets the body into an optimal state for delivery. In addition to in-office therapies to correct and maintain alignment of the spine, chiropractors can recommend exercises and stretches that are beneficial for pregnant women. To maintain wellness during pregnancy and after, chiropractic care can help!

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Spinal Decompression  Pawling, NY

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression is a non-invasive mechanical procedure performed within our office to help alleviate back pain. It involves gently stretching the spine to take pressure off the spinal discs (the cushions that separate the vertebrae in the spine). By relieving this pressure, bulging discs can retract back into place which takes pressure off the nerves in the spine. By decompressing the spine, it permits water, oxygen and other fluids to work their way back into the discs allowing them to heal naturally. Spinal decompression is an excellent option for anyone with chronic back pain who wants to get back to living a pain-free life as quickly as possible.

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Spinal Screenings  Pawling, NY

Spinal Screenings

Sometimes all that stands between your daily pain and a happier, healthier you, is a chiropractic adjustment. Your body naturally wants to be in alignment, and our daily activities can throw what is naturally aligned out of balance. Also known as chiropractic manipulation, manual manipulation, or spinal manipulation, chiropractic adjustment refers to the manipulation of the vertebrae that have abnormal movements and are not functioning properly. Here at Bennett Chiropractic and Wellness, we can help you achieve balance and proper alignment, giving you relief and improving your health.

Our goal in treating your joint and spinal issues is to reduce subluxation, increase range of motion, reduce nerve irritability, and improve mobility. Our highly skilled chiropractor will work with you to relieve your pain and get you back to living a pain free and healthy lifestyle.

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Ultrasound  Pawling, NY


Ultrasound therapy is a chiropractic treatment used to help reduce muscle pain and increase range of motion. By using sound waves, we are able to stimulate deep inside the tissue. This minimizes stiffness, swelling, and pain while also promoting circulation, and pain-free movement.

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Worker's Compensation  Pawling, NY

Worker’s Compensation

Worker’s compensation is a form of insurance that replaces lost wages and pays for medical and chiropractic care for people injured on the job. It typically covers a number of injuries that can happen to nearly any worker. These injuries may occur as a result of a slip and fall accident, tripping over a hazard or on an unsafe surface, or falling off a ladder. For some workers, workers’ compensation will cover injuries that happen while the worker is driving or traveling as part of his or her work duties.

Many neck and back problems associated with workers’ compensation are the result of spinal misalignment, which means that the bones of the spine have moved out of position. Other work-related neck and back problems are the result of soft tissue injuries, such as whiplash, affecting the muscles, nerves and connective tissue of the neck and back.

Musculoskeletal disorders affect a person’s muscles, bones, joints and connective tissue, such as tendons and ligaments.

A number of musculoskeletal disorders can keep a worker off the job, including:

  • Sprains, strains, and tears
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive stress injuries
  • Headaches and migraines
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